Sweetheart City Classic Race

Sweetheart City Classic Race 2019-Flourish Branding Photography

I had the privilege to work with directors of Sweetheart City Racing Sara and Shane McWatters on February 9th at the Sweetheart City Classic Race. Since February is marked as the month of love and the City of Loveland centers their theme around love it’s only right to celebrate with a festival of love.

This the 2nd year that Sara and Shane have been apart of the Sweetheart City Race. But this race is one of the longest standing races held in Loveland. Complete with vendors, medals, the Loveland Bell Ringers, and Miss Colorado this race was a huge hit! Sara has such an amazing knack for putting on races with no detail left out.

Sweetheart City Classic Race 2019- web (287).jpg

Each individual or couple that placed received a metal and a photo with Miss Colorado.

My favorite image from the whole event was this one of Miss Colorado taking a selfie with this teenage boy who asked if she would take a selfie with him. Instead of using his phone she whipped out her phone right away to capture that selfie. Unaware to her I caught her in the act.

Sweetheart City Classic Race 2019- Miss Colorado Selfie

Wanna run or be apart of the next race put on by Sweetheart City Racing? You can find them here!